Shri Shankaracharya Professional University
Infrastructure Facilities
A home away from home, the hostels at SSPU is more than four walls and a roof. They have been designed to provide a comfortable, safe and secure living as they provide opportunities to form lasting friendships and ease the transition from home to college. The hostels are provided with all basic facilities including water coolers with water purifiers, washing machines, common TV room, common reading room, common gym, etc. Adequate dining facilities are available for all hostellers. Residential staff is always available to support the students from different backgrounds to promote community. Living on campus provides students with opportunities to :
- Connect with a diverse population of people
- Develop stronger interpersonal and communication skills
- Engage in campus leadership and organizational and activities
- Establish relationships with faculty and staff members.
The College runs an extremely efficient transportation system with safe and reliable transport facility extended to students upon request at the beginning of the session, subject to availability of seats. Decision of college authorities regarding routes, timing and pickup / drop points are finalized in the beginning of the session and changes proposed by parent(s) would be considered during the session. Updated contact details for each college vehicle are made available to the students on request for use in case of emergencies.
Internet Facilities & Wi-Fi
Apart from the computer laboratories setup for syllabus programs the Institutes have provided computer centers for general purposes and learning during extra hours. This includes Internet Facilities available through leased line and Wi-Fi for providing continuous and uninterrupted internet connectivity to students and faculty members. These facilities are also available to students beyond college hours for preparation of seminars & projects, edit presentations in real time and research-orientated work. The entire campus including the hostels is Wi-Fi enabled and students can access the internet on their laptops round the clock.
- 200 MBPS ILP
- Wi-Fi facility 24 hours in campus
- Dedicated INTERNET LAB
Library resources | |
Total number of Books | 73,078 |
Total Number of Titles | 15207 |
Total number of Text Books | 58977 |
Total Number of Books (Ref. Section) | 12775 |
Print Journals/Magazines | 210 |
National Journal | 178 |
Online Journals – IEEE Journals ASPP Package 205 Elsevir Journal | 276 |
J-Gate Management Journals | 8745 |
Bentham Pharmacy Collection | 23 |
“I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet, it’s my Library Card.”
Laura Bush
SSPU’s Library provides access to more than 73078 books and 1695 e-books covering all fields of knowledge. The timings have been so set, as to make it convenient for the students as well as the staff to refer and study at their convenience. At a time Pharmacy Students are entitled to get 3 books, while BE, MCA , MBA and ME students can avail 4 books issued in their names. Teaching staff may avail 10 books issued and other staff members are entitled to two books . As an added incentive to class toppers, provisions have been made for issuance of an additional number of three books for the 1st ranker, two books for 2nd ranker and one book for 3rd rank holder. Duration of loan period is one month for students and three months for staff. The Reference Section is open from 8 am to 8 pm and the Issue Section is kept open from 9 am to 5 pm.

To provide the banking facility for the students and staffs, we have Bank Of Maharashtra (BOM) in the premises of our college campus. To make banking easier for our students, 24 hours ATM facility has been provided. Hostel students enjoy the benefits more. BOM Branch provides zero balance account opening facility along with passbook and ATM for students. Students can avail this facility by submitting a bonafide form duly signed by the authority. Students can avail education loan facility from the bank, else, they can avail the same from any other nationalized bank.
Education System is effective only when it leads to overall development of a student. Sports & Athletics is one of the integral part of Student’s total Development. Here in SSPU, we have large playing ground, which meets the requirements of all outdoor and indoor games. The college also has very well-equipped gymnasium at the campus with various exercise equipments and body fitness tools for students & faculties as well.
The Institutes facility for students include gymnasia, for men and women. A central multi-facility piece of equipment enables several enthusiasts to work out at the same time. The gyms are spacious and well equipped with modern facilities.GYMNASIUM Timings are as follows: Monday to Saturday
Men: | 7.00 a.m to 9.30 a.m | 5.00 p.m to 8.30 p.m | |
Women: | 5.00 a.m to 7.30 a.m | 5.00 p.m to 8.30 p.m |
Note: Sports costume is compulsory during the practice session. ie. [T-shirts, shorts/Tracksuits with canvas]
SSPU HEALTH CARE Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Medical Sciences (SSIMS) is a Chhattisgarh based top multi-specialty healthcare centre with 850 beds which provides complete treatment and surgery; is a constituent college of Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus (An autonomus college), through its primary health centre in the Campus provides round the clock primary (basic) health care services to all the students, staff and their dependents, faculty and other employees working/residing at SSPU, Bhilai.
For students’ convenience full time and part time doctors are employed to render 24 hours service along with staff nurses, lab & X-Ray technicians, pharmacists, physiotherapist, ambulance drivers and attenders. In addition, various specialist doctors are also available in the evening hours .
SSPU is endowed with a swimming pool of 25 Mtrs Length & 23 Mtrs Breadth having 08 lanes. It caters to the students and faculties of the campus. The pool is maintained by a group of dedicated workers and managed by well trained professional coaches and life guards. The latest technological features, round the clock water circulation and purification plants, life saving apparatus and pool side equipment is a superb facility that only SSPU has. Individualized assistance in developing skills in all the four strokes by the coach is available. Swimming is an effective exercise to lose weight. It reduces many calories without high impact on joints compared with other sports. It makes weight loss of every part of the body in balance, to get fit and slim. Lifeguards are always on duty during pool hours.
Food courts are located to cater to the refreshment needs of both students and staff inside the sprawling campus. A variety of nutritious and hygienic South / North Indian food and snack items are provided to the students and staff of the college adhering to the quality standards. It also provides light refreshment like packed snack items, fresh juice, cakes, veg. puff, beverages etc to the students and staff of the college. The management is fully committed to keep the quality of the canteen for the utmost benefit of all concerned. Food Court is open from 8:00 AM to 6.30 PM on all working days.
SSPU is having a huge indoor auditorium equipped with a professionally-deployed acoustic system with a seating capacity of about 500+ people. The auditorium is spacious and well ventilated. This auditorium has an immense pride of having hosted several International and National Level Seminar. It has all the facilities to enhance the learning process and has a vast space that serves the varied requirements of quality education. It also provides ample opportunity for our staff and students to exhibit their talents in cultural activities.